Is Instagram Shifting it's Purpose Away from Photo Sharing?

According to company head Adam Mosseri, the app now has its sights set on less square photo sharing and more video content. This hardly comes as a surprise with the introduction of reels, new story features, IGTV and lives (along with live badges which allow creators to profit from their live audience).

The big question this begs is what the change means for businesses and how should we be reacting to stay relevant?

The most crucial step to maintain and even grow your engagement will be adapting your strategy to include more video content. This doesn't mean you should scrap your typical posts using photos, but start by subbing one post a week with an engaging reel. Reels can be time consuming, but once you get the hang of it you can build up to posting more frequently. Remember to utilise apps other than Instagram when editing your reels. InShot is a great free tool that make editing reels much easier and Canva is perfect for designing covers for your reel.

At the end of the day, Instagram has made this change because the majority of it's users come to the app for entertainment. So have fun, get creative and create some relatable, on-brand content for your following. 

To learn more about reels, download my free ultimate guide here

Nikki X


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