Why You Need a LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

Creating an effective LinkedIn strategy is important to the way that you are viewed by both peers, potential employees and the community at large. It is a platform where you can display your professional activities,  industry opinions and business culture. Your tone and language on LinkedIn will tend to be slightly different to that of other social media platform, so we don’t recommend copy & pasting content. If you reuse topics, alter the language to suit your audience. 


LinkedIn for: Peers

LinkedIn is an easy way to reach your peers, and it’s so important you appeal to them, and create industry relationships. Shared clients, referrals and opportunities can come from conversations with those who work parallel to you. For example, when someone comes to asking for personal brand guidance, a copywriter or a Shopify website, I know who in the industry does these things well and who I can refer them to, as these things are not our specialty as an agency. I know in turn that those people who refer individuals to me in a heartbeat, for things which we do specialise in. 


Company to company relations are important, learn from each other! No one knows everything, and thats okay. It’s great to watch what your peers are doing, learn from them and be inspired!


LinkedIn for: Community 

Speak on something you’re passionate about or is topical currently. Often posts go viral on LinkedIn that tackle issues people face in the workplace. This could be your stance on unpaid Internships, feeling toward current hiring requirements or unfair practices that riddle your industry.


Write passionately, but with professionalism (stepping on as few toes as possible). There is a good chance many others in your industry feel the same and will be relieved to see you speaking openly. LinkedIn, despite being a professional platform tends to make users feel more safe in discussing these issues as there is less trolling and more intelligent conversation. 


LinkedIn for: Potential Employees 

LinkedIn is also an excellent platform to advertise opportunities and hiring news. Many young professionals now turn to LinkedIn as it allows them more of an insight to the company and its culture than a traditional seek ad. 


Consistency is key, as with any other social platform. You don’t need to tackle something huge in each post! Give a client shoutout, speak about something you’re doing, promote and event or sale you’re hosting & introduce the team! Set up a profile for yourself personally and a professional page separately for your business & get posting. 



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