The Customer Journey

The customer journey is the experience your customer goes through when engaging with your brand. Think of it as your business roadmap, how your customer becomes aware of your brand, the interactions with your brand, and beyond. 


I recommend mapping out your customer journey by taking a walk in their shoes to help you understand the full experience you want your customer to have when they interact with your business.



Your cold audience is people who have never heard of your brand before. They may find your product or service, but it's highly unlikely they will purchase from you yet, as they know nothing about you. You don't want to send these people to a sales page - this will scare them away! Instead, invite them in to learn more about your brand with free content such as a lead magnet.



A warm audience is people who have engaged with your brand, they may follow you on socials or have visited your website in the past. These people already know who you are, so you don't need to overload them with information. They are getting closer to buying from you. 



At this stage, your customer is aware of your brand, engages with you on socials, has gained trust in your ability to help them and is ready to purchase from you. 



Great, you've made a sale! The customer journey doesn't end here though. Make sure you keep this customer engaged through marketing strategies such as email direct marketing.


A sales funnel essentially allows you to track leads of prospective consumers and guide them toward becoming paying, long-term customers. This is not something that happens overnight, particularly in our current climate of inflated competition and low trust, it can take a lot of work to warm up cold prospects into return customers. 


By breaking the consumer's purchase journey down into smaller pieces, you can manipulate how and when you present offers. 


An example of this may be an F45 gym: They begin with a 2-week free trial to warm up leads, and once this has been taken up and completed, they offer prospects something inexpensive and of value such as a meal plan booklet, body scans, or online workout. Once this has been accepted, they will make an offer for their weekly membership costs, which then leads to full-paying gym members and loyal customers. 


Nikki X

It's time to achieve this result you really want

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